Why You Need To Avoid Mass Production Jewelry

 Why You Need To Avoid Mass Production Jewelry

Are you thinking about buying that special ring online? You should consider reading this blog first!


In a world driven by convenience and affordability, mass-produced jewelry has become increasingly prevalent. However, it's important to recognize the drawbacks of these mass-produced pieces and consider alternative options. 

As a jeweler with an actual gemologist degree, I am passionate about promoting the value of authentic and artisanal jewelry. In this blog, we will explore the reasons why you should avoid mass-produced jewelry and seek out alternatives that offer a more meaningful and worthwhile experience.


Why You Should Avoid Purchasing Mass Production Jewelry

Think about the following situations and judge for yourself:

We have Hillary, a woman that is crying, visibly upset because the center diamond of her $5,000 engagement ring (mall bought) fell out. 
Then we have Kevin, a guy who wanted to give his girl the best ring money can buy in this world. He actually went to a very famous heritage brand, spent $85,000 and got a so-so diamond that had a pretty visible bow tie in the middle.
Lastly is Sandra, who spent $125,000 on an online platform that claims to have “real human gemologists”, someone that's checking the actual diamond you're buying. Even though they showed her two nearly flawless certificates, once she got the stone and she asked me to check it out…let's just say there were some very obvious issues with the setting!

These people we mentioned before are real people with real stories. They bought from these big box mass production places that, in our opinion, are the worst decision you can make. And we can confidently say this because we are not mass production jewelers! 

We understand that each and every person has their own price range and taste and we totally respect that. So if you're in the mood for something cheaper, something quick and easy to buy, you can search online and you’ll easily find a nice ring. However, just have the following factors in mind. 


Quality Matters

It is crucial to be aware of the potential pitfalls and misaligned expectations that can arise with mass production ring shopping. Recently, a young client embarked on a search for the perfect engagement ring, turning to online platforms for convenience and variety. However, his experience quickly turned disappointing as the ring he received bore little resemblance to what he had seen online. 


Bad quality rings in mass production

The pavé setting was carelessly done, the diamond placement lacked finesse, and the metal exhibited unsightly flaws. Furthermore, the ring was disappointingly light, thin, and even showcased a misaligned center setting with oversized prongs. This cautionary tale serves as a reminder of the importance of physically evaluating jewelry, especially for luxury purchases like engagement rings, to ensure that expectations align with reality and the chosen piece truly reflects one's vision of love and commitment.


Curation Is Not Offered

One crucial aspect when ring shopping will always be curation. Curation involves the meticulous process of selecting the best of the best. So, when purchasing a diamond online, it goes beyond simply relying on certificates and numbers. It's about understanding the nuances and making informed choices. Private jewelers possess the expertise to discern the true value of a diamond, identifying qualities that go beyond the surface. This level of curation ensures that you get the most value for your investment.

In contrast to the convenience of quickly adding a ring to your cart online or pointing at a display case in a retail store, taking the time to seek out curation is essential. Just as finding a life partner requires time and consideration, selecting a special ring for them should receive the same attention. It's crucial to prioritize curation, quality, and unique craftsmanship.

Entrusting an expert jeweler with the task of curating your ring ensures that it perfectly aligns with your vision. Professional jewelers like Bonnie have spent countless hours honing their skills and knowledge, examining numerous diamonds to understand what truly matters. Instead of relying solely on yourself, entrust the expertise and curation of a reputable jeweler to guide you through the process.


 when purchasing a diamond online, it goes beyond simply relying on certificates and numbers. when purchasing a diamond online, it goes beyond simply relying on certificates and numbers.
Unaligned prongs

Ultimately, curation ensures that you receive a ring of exceptional quality, craftsmanship, and value. It eliminates the uncertainty and guesswork, offering you the peace of mind and confidence that your chosen piece is truly extraordinary. So, when it comes to selecting an engagement ring, embrace the significance of curation and let an expert jeweler guide you in finding the perfect symbol of love.


Expert Advice

When purchasing from a mass-produced jewelry provider, the lack of transparency regarding the origin and manufacturing process of your ring becomes a concern, even if it involves lab-grown diamonds. 

Claims of being "made in America" could simply mean “assembled in America”, leaving you uncertain about the true origins. A diamond ring encompasses more than just the diamond itself; it's the intricate combination of the stone, the setting, the band, and the meticulous details that truly matter. It's about precision and numerous factors that contribute to its overall quality. 

Taking the time to understand the manufacturing process and supporting ethical practices is essential if you desire a gift that will truly stand the test of time.


Long Time Relationship

When making a significant and expensive purchase like an engagement ring, it is crucial to have the guidance of an experienced professional. Simply relying on a chat operator or impersonal online resources is not sufficient. The importance of having someone with genuine jewelry expertise to navigate this process cannot be overstated.

Consider the stories of actual clients who attempted to purchase rings online multiple times, only to encounter issues and dissatisfaction with the final product. They ended up losing money on remaking the custom pieces repeatedly. The value of having a knowledgeable jeweler becomes evident when they can assess the situation, understand the client's needs, and deliver a satisfactory result from the start.

A seasoned jeweler will share valuable insights and advice to help clients avoid costly errors and make informed choices. A person reading scripted answers or relying on generated responses cannot provide the same level of personalized expertise.

When embarking on a significant jewelry purchase, such as an engagement ring, it is essential to have the assistance of an experienced professional who can offer personalized advice and expertise. Learning from past mistakes and sharing valuable insights, a reputable jeweler ensures that you make informed choices and avoid costly missteps along the way.

When Is It Right to Buy Tinted Diamonds?

Purchasing an engagement ring through a massive online retailer comes with significant risks if you lack knowledge and experience in the field. It's crucial to understand that factors such as secondary colors can affect the value and appearance of a stone, whether it's a natural or lab-grown diamond.

Just like buying a car with a salvage title requires disclosure, the same level of transparency should be expected when purchasing jewelry. However, with certificates or volume jewelers, it's challenging for them to thoroughly inspect every piece due to the sheer volume and reliance on spinning videos from vendors worldwide. This lack of firsthand assessment means you might think you know what you're choosing, but the reality is quite different.

For example, understanding that a beautiful four or five-carat diamond has a brown tint allows for an informed decision and the opportunity to obtain it at a discounted price. The low prices found online often come with reasons, and being aware of these factors can help you make smart choices.


Why You Should Avoid Mass-Produced Jewelry

It is crucial to be mindful of the people you choose to work with when purchasing an engagement ring. Rather than relying on robotic responses or impersonal analysis of certificates, seek out individuals who genuinely understand and can guide you through the process. 

Building a relationship based on trust with a knowledgeable professional is essential, whether it's with me or someone else you feel comfortable with. If you opt to buy from a platform like Amazon, make sure you have that trusted individual assisting you. This blog aims to provide you with valuable insights to consider when making your engagement ring purchase, and if you’d like even more help, check out our website and youtube video on this topic.